Apparel Printing

Customized Branded Promotional T-Shirt Printing

Customized Branded Promotional T-Shirt Printing & Branding Company.
Our customized promotional T-shirts are designed not just to impress, but to also inform and promote your organization’s image.

We are Kenya’s top T shirt printing and branding company with over 10 years experience in excellent quality service delivery to both our corporate and individual clientele which includes SME’s, Schools, NGO’s, Churches, political campaigns, wedding, birthdays and other events.

We are professionals on T-shirt fabrics and graphic designs, over the years our capacity has grown from just printing to taking our clients through the whole custom t-shirt branding process from conception – design –sewing –graphics and printing.

Screen Printing
Heat Transfer
Flock & Flex Printing
Dye Sublimation


  • Soin Arcade Westlands Nairobi
  • 0716 971622
    0716 971622 8
  • in**@gr******.ke/


Earn the attention of customers at Trade shows, conventions, presentations and other events. You’ll be sure to get results just when you need them most. Our printing services are both indoor and outdoor.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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