About us

We’re a global stakeholder relations and partnership building consultancy.

AdvaGraphics is a subsidiary of Advatech Office Supplies Limited.
AdvaGraphics was incorporated to provide promotional materials and branding solutions to individual
and the corporate sector.

Our aim is to provide high quality creative print and branding solutions through the use of the latest
technological innovations.
We guarantee high quality, competitive market prices and quick and flexible turnaround time.
Advatech other subsidiaries are Advacafe, AdvaTravel and Advatel.

Call to ask any question 0706887693

Elizabeth Nduta

Pint Manager
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We position our clients at the forefront our services.

Buy Promotional Products & Branded Merchandise from the leading Kenyan supplier of Corporate Gifts and Promotional items expertly printed with your logo.

Umbrella Printing

Umbrella Branding

Save money on Promotion items branding get expert's guides to Marketing materials.
Promotional apparel

Apparel Printing

Our Design for Promotional apparel covers various forms from T-shirt to work wear

Carrier Bag

We print carrier bags in many shapes, styles & sizes! at an affordable prices.
Mug Printing

Mug Branding

Save up to 10% when you brand your mugs with advagraphics.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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