Carrier Bag

Carrier Bag Printing

The purpose of carrier bags is to serve as a carrier for items either purchased at a shop or given away at events. The moment you hand out a printed carrier bag, it becomes a walking ad for your brand. The inclusion of key information can help recipients remember your company. Let’s breakdown the key advantages of using custom printed carrier bags

Benefits of using Personalised Carrier Bags for your Business:

Increases Brand Awareness

Creating a strong and reputable brand is one of the best ways to promote a business. Consumers move towards businesses that take pride in their appearance and professionalism. A personalised carrier bag can help develop brand personality, making you standout from the rest.

Great for Retail and Exhibition Events

Almost every business will utilise carrier bags for its products. This could be for items of clothing for retail stores to samples given away at events. A custom printed bag will showcase a positive outlook that compliments the rest of your brand.

Paper Carrier Bags
Eco Friendly Bags
Laptop Bags
Cotton Shoppers
Rope Handle Bags


  • Soin Arcade Nairobi Westlands Road Nairibi
  • 0716 971622
    0716 971622
  • in**@ad*********.ke


Standard bags are a classic, versatile solution designed to suit any type of shop or business. 

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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